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Beast Gohan & Orange Piccolo VS Cell Max STORY ENDING(DLC16)| Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is such a big game. And one of the things I ike about the game(despite it's flaws and it being out for so long) is that they can definetly put a good amount of effort into the story mode.

With that in mind, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 has a DLC16 Story ending. In which Beast Gohan & Orange Piccolo Combine their Special Beam Cannon Attacks, in order to obliterate Cell Max. That said, they also had Android 21, Gamma 1, Gamma 2 and your CAC/Custom Character help prior.

Overall, absolutely one of my favorite scenes. I really do hope we get something new eventually. Whether it be DLC17, or news of a Dragon ball Xenoverse 3(likely not happening anytime soon)

Thoughts on this cutscene, and how it stacks up to Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero? Also called the Hero Of Justice 2 DLC Pack. Originally, this was a full video. But I translated it into a full on short.




