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Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta SURPASSES SSB Gogeta?!| Dragon Ball FighterZ

One of my favorite interactions in Dragon Ball FighterZ! FighterZ is one of the few games where both iterations of Gogeta(DBS & GT) actually interact with one another.

In this case, a Special Quote/Unique interaction exists where SSJ4 Gogeta Meets Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta! And they both praise each others power.

This was from the last DLC/Season 3 of Dragon Ball FighterZ. Unfortunately Gogeta was one of the last characters. With Android 21(labcoat) truly being the last person.

Arc System truly did go out with a bang. I do hope that a FighterZ 2 comes out, or a new DLC comes with Beast Gohan and Orange Piccolo

Overall, I hope you enjoy!


