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Vegito Is MORE POWERFUL Than SSB Gogeta?!😡| DBXV2, DB FighterZ & DB Legends

With Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta and Super Saiyan Blue Vegito being a thing in Dragon Ball Super: the developers of the DB games have produced some interesting interactions between the characters.

In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Dragon Ball FighterZ and Dragon Ball Legends, Both SSB Gogeta and SSB Vegito have unique dialogue and special quotes.

In the same arc, which character do you feel would win in a fight? Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta, or Super Saiyan Blue Vegito?

Vegito Blue was featured in the Goku Black Arc of Dragon Ball Super. In which he fought Corrupted Fused Zamasu

Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta fought against DBS Full Power Broly. In which he defeated him. Both fusions are the result of Goku and Vegeta using the Fusion Dance, or Potara Fusion.






